Span of life

Birds glide through the skies daily.
Not a scintilla of worry about tomorrow.
They refuse to plant seeds and tend crops,
but they are always fed.

Seductive, affectionate flowers sprout
and spray their beauty through the air.
They always enrich and captivate eyes without a modicum of effort.
Yet their elegance will always caress the silky face of the earth.

The warm hands of the sun massage the air,
fertilise open fields, and make rains to feed new life.
Whatever happens, the sun will rise again tomorrow and the next.
No drama. No complaints.

Many noble creatures roam wild and live rough.
They fend for themselves without fuss.
They feast on nature's benevolence in peace.
They thrive without Internet or AI.
No identity politics or contrived news stories to distract them.

Spare a thought, though,
for all the clever folks, tortured by their daily fears,
driven by compulsive obsessions
and controlled by the pursuit of gratuitous possessions.

Their journey is an endless, dreary toil.
It steals their sleep and infects their dreams.
Life, becomes a timeless competition, a rat race.
They fight and hold grudges.
Worry is inevitable.

Yet, in the end,
does any of this add even a single hour more
to the span of their lives?

9 thoughts on “Span of life”

  1. This speaks volumes to so many, especially those burdened by trying to procure the Spirit of Christmas can’t be bought but only shared.

      1. Hmmm…the message is clear as a Nevis sky. Incredibly, humanity marches on unfettered by high intelligence or consciousness knowingly towards its doom. Maybe, that’s the natural order of things. Selah

  2. If only we can stop and think, we will see how much we have, then we can love ourselves more, help others and support each other, more .
    Thank you

  3. Hawks and foxes eat bird and sometimes they run into windscreens on the highway. And then again, the male of the bird species tends to be more colourful and flamboyant than the female so I suppose I will have to settle for the life of stress and worry amd hope that what doesn’t kill me make me stronger! 🌺

  4. Your verses delve into the profound paradox of life, highlighting the tranquility of nature’s rhythms juxtaposed against the relentless complexity of human pursuits, urging contemplation on the true essence of our existence.

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