Unshed tears

Tears inevitably come.
They will fall.

If you must cry, let your tears flow freely without restraint.
No holding back.

If you must cry, cry with your heart.
Even if it disturbs unshed tears
concealed in the sullen depths of your soul.
Cry out loud.
After the tears,
the mists of uncertainty and self-doubt will fall away.
And truth will reveal itself.

If you must cry,
start slowly, but cry with your heart.
Tears always come in different shades of colour.
Some are blessings disguised.
Some are meant to release you
from the purgatory of indecision and lingering pain.
Like clouds, they will close ranks
to protect the naked, fragile modesty of your soul.

Tears rise and fall.
They become spectators, gladiators or guardians.
But, they are the heart's foot soldiers.
And eventually, they bond as friends.

If you must cry, cry boldly,
in your own time, and on your own terms.
Tears are your soul's rains - beautiful and simple.
They purge, they purify.
They clear away sadness and unpick mistakes.

If you must cry, cry with passion.
In each teardrop lies a scintilla of hope,
a chance to reinvent the past.
But even if they turn out otherwise
and inundate you...
let them flow until they grow tired.

2 thoughts on “Unshed tears”

  1. Dear Kevin
    This is such a timely verbal photography theme
    Which arrived just minutes after I received the sad news that a young 30year old cousin , a prospective phD student at Oxford ,U committed suicide while doing research in Guyana. I will let the tears inundate me and when they become silent I will join the fight on meral health
    Thanks for letting your work inspire even in times of grief

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